Allegiance to Winds and Waters: Bicycling the Political Divides of the United States
“An offbeat personal account of an adventure from sea to shining sea. The author’s past study of political struggles give the work a distinctive flavor. Readers will keep turning pages…” —Kirkus Reviews
In Allegiance to Winds and Waters a college professor from Minneapolis, bicycles the perimeter of the US with her spouse. Inspired by a study showing that Americans of all ideological stripes, are united in desiring a more equitable economy, she sets out to discover why we don’t have what we want.
“Enthralling and thoughtful memoir about what divides and unites us both as people and as a nation. Five Stars.” — San Francisco Book Review
Beaverdale Books in Des Moines was thrilled to host author Anne Winkler-Morey to discuss her book, Allegiance to Winds and Waters: Bicycling the Political Divides of the United States. Anne brings warmth, wit, and plenty of stories about the remarkable 14,000 mile bicycling journey she made with her husband. She draws and engages a good audience while creating a sincere dialogue. She selects and tailors her readings to the crowd just enough to entice them to buy her book!”

Allegiance to Winds and Waters: Bicycling the Political Divides of the United States
“An offbeat personal account of an adventure from sea to shining sea. The author’s past study of political struggles give the work a distinctive flavor. Readers will keep turning pages…” —Kirkus Reviews
In Allegiance to Winds and Waters a college professor from Minneapolis, bicycles the perimeter of the US with her spouse. Inspired by a study showing that Americans of all ideological stripes, are united in desiring a more equitable economy, she sets out to discover why we don’t have what we want.
“Enthralling and thoughtful memoir about what divides and unites us both as people and as a nation. Five Stars.” — San Francisco Book Review
Beaverdale Books in Des Moines was thrilled to host author Anne Winkler-Morey to discuss her book, Allegiance to Winds and Waters: Bicycling the Political Divides of the United States. Anne brings warmth, wit, and plenty of stories about the remarkable 14,000 mile bicycling journey she made with her husband. She draws and engages a good audience while creating a sincere dialogue. She selects and tailors her readings to the crowd just enough to entice them to buy her book!”
Anne Winkler-Morey has a Ph.D. in history and has been an activist scholar studying and participating in social movements since the 1980s. Her book, Allegiance to Winds and Waters: Bicycling the Political Divides of the United States, was published April 2022. Her Minneapolis Interview Project, a collection of one hundred oral histories with a social justice lens, became part of Hennepin History Museum’s permanent collection in 2023. She is currently traveling the world, writing about her one-month stays in her Aging on the Run blog, which you can read here.
photo by Eric Mueller

2023 Memoir Book Prize Winner
Allegiance to Winds and Waters has been named a 2023 Memoir Prize for Books winner in the Social Justice category.
2023 Memoir Book Prize Winners by Memoir Magazine

Order, Chaos and the Desire to be Free. Egypt, January 2025
For the ancient Egyptians, the universe was composed of dualities fertile and...

Order, Chaos and the Desire to be Free. Egypt, January 2025
For the ancient Egyptians, the universe was composed of dualities fertile and...

2023 Memoir Book Prize Winner
Allegiance to Winds and Waters has been named a 2023 Memoir Prize for Books winner in the Social Justice category.
2023 Memoir Book Prize Winners by Memoir Magazine
Anne Winkler-Morey has a Ph.D. in history and has been an activist scholar studying and participating in social movements since the 1980s. Her book, Allegiance to Winds and Waters: Bicycling the Political Divides of the United States was published April 2022. Her Minneapolis Interview Project is a collection of one hundred oral histories with a social justice lens. She is currently planning her next bicycle adventure and her next book.
photo by Eric Mueller